An update from Felix...

March 3, 2011

Hello everyone,

Apologies for not being in touch since Christmas. We’ve spent the eight weeks since our last update finishing what is now our studio. First of all big thanks to any of our friends or family who helped us with all the work required to get in there - whether it be for lifts, furniture or actual graft. Thank you!

Since moving in proper at the start of the year we have got to nearly finishing writing the majority of what will eventually be the third album. Hopefully soon we’ll be sure of when we’ll be ready to record. This is the fruition of almost two years of work and there have been quite a few different stages and versions of songs. In terms of the process, it has been a unique way for us to be doing things and in turn this has bought about a different vantage point on what a Maccabees song is. I think still the only two songs that have seen any light outside of the studio are ‘Forever I’ve Known’ and ‘Child’ and given that they were being written this last time last year there is obviously a fair amount of other songs that are waiting to be recorded. It’s always a bit futile trying to describe music that hasn’t been heard yet so all I’ll leave it as is and hopefully they’ll be with you sooner rather than.

I’ve been getting into ‘Valhalla Dancefloor’ by British Sea Power of late, it’s a great record and has soundtracked bus journeys to and from the studio. Sam also played me ‘Home’ by LCD Soundsystem the other week and I must have listened to if forty times since. It makes me happy.

I wish that I’d got into it sooner because a friend told me they’re playing their last show soon and I’m sure I must have missed a few opportunites to see them at festivals over the last couple of years.

La Shark’s video is three minutes you won’t regret spending:

We hope that this finds you well and we’ll keep you in touch with the progress that the album is making in due course….

In the meantime, we’ve set up this blog at You’ll find photos of us in the studio we put on yesterday as well as anything that’s of interest we feel like sharing. 
