Merch Competition

October 18, 2015


Hello everyone.

We're about to start another run of tours all over the place. So we're putting together some designs for t-shirts. We thought seeing as there are so many of you that make and send us fantastic artwork we would see if you had any suggestions. Send us your design ideas by 2nd November and we'll pick our favourite. The winning design will be made into a t-shirt and the winning designer will receive a selection of Maccabees merchandise plus 2 tickets (to a Maccabees gig of their choice) and a pass to come back stage so we can say thanks in person. The brief is that simple and open to interpretation. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. All the best


Upload your design to either, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest using the hash tag: #maccabeestshirt by 2nd November to submit.
If its a digital design using photoshop / illustrator etc.. please make it 300 dpi (you can save for web to upload to social posts).

If its a drawing, please make sure its no smaller than A4.